Workers’ Compensation

 If you have been injured in an on – the – job accident, or if you have been attacked at work or assaulted at work, you will need an experienced workers compensation lawyer to protect your rights. 

Some items you must consider are. 

  • How can I protect my right to been seen by the doctor of my choosing and not my employer’s choosing?
  • What financial benefits am I entitled to while I am unable to work? 
  • Am I getting full coverage for my prescriptions, mileage for trips to medical providers and other incidentals? 
  • How can I be sure I am not being persuaded to return to work before I am physically able to perform? 
  • Am I getting the full value of my claim? 

These are only some of the matters to consider when you have a Workers Comp injury. If you any of these questions or other concerns, please contact us.

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